Terms of publication

Scientists, teachers, postgraduate students, practitioners are invited to submit a paper. We ask authors to follow the rules of preparing articles for the Journal of International Legal Communication.

In order to cover the costs of journal management, an article processing charge (APC) of 100.00 EUR applies to papers accepted after peer review*. After an article is approved for publication, the author(s) will be asked to pay the fee. In case of rejection of the article no fee is charged.

*However, in light of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, we have implemented a policy to waive these publication fees for Ukrainian authors. This initiative is aimed at supporting the Ukrainian academic community during these difficult times, ensuring that financial barriers do not prevent the dissemination of valuable research findings.

The costs associated with this waiver, as well as other operational expenses, are supported by E-SCIENCE SPACE sp. z o.o., which operates our journal. This approach allows us to balance our financial sustainability with our commitment to providing assistance to those affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Demands for the article processing:

Scientific articles in English, which contain new scientific results and have not been previously published, are accepted for publication in the Journal of International Legal Communication.

  1. The manuscript must be in line with the Journal’s profile.
  2. Articles which cover the results of author’s/authors’ (collective) empirical studies, which are executed within the framework of grant programs, scientific themes of departments, laboratories, etc., are primarily considered. In the case of articles in sciences, in which the evidence of research is increased through the use of empirical research methods, it is expected to present, in fact, empirical materials. Articles may also be theoretical, especially in the theoretical sciences, in the cases of historical-reflexive analysis, as well as when the theoretical methods of research are most valid for the purpose of the article and research tasks. In this case, the author is expected to present the model, the author’s concept, theory, system of concepts, etc.
  3. The editors accept conceptual surveys – such as theoretical articles – up to 30 pages, based on the materials of the leading dissertations, monographic studies.
  4. Recommendations for annotation in the language of the article. It is advisable to use such generalization forms as “first presented”, “author’s position is”, “added classification,” “compared,” “set,” etc.  Avoid repeating the title of an article.
  5. List of links. For the preparation of the article it is recommended to refer to the primary sources which were presented/published during last 5-7 years. We recommend referring to sources that are indexed in Scopus and WoSc bases. Index of bibliography volume should not exceed 6. To calculate index of bibliography volume divide number of sources by total number of pages in the article. This rule does not relate to articles which review a number of different sources.
  6. Non-plagiarism. Articles are checked for plagiarism, falsity, using the Unicheck program. It is advisable to avoid excessive self-citations, except when the author reveals the evolution of his/her own views, and so on.
  7. Plausibility and originality. An article may be accepted for publication on the basis of its independent review. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the content, as well as for the absence of plagiarism in the article, the accuracy of facts, quotations, figures and names. The Editorial Board may provide recommendations before publication regarding the technical editing of the article and its proofreading.
  8. The editors have the right to review, edit and shorten articles.

The editors reserve the right to reject such articles as:

  • not relevant to the subject matter of the journal;
  • not corresponding to the scientific level of the journal, in the opinion of the editors;
  • containing gross errors and inaccuracies;
  • written in an improper way;
  • having signs of a compilation of ideas and materials of other authors.

Manuscript submission requirements

Please use the Template.

File format – .doc, .docx (Microsoft Word).

Sheet A4 (210mm x 297mm). Margins: top and bottom – 20 mm, left – 20 mm, right – 20 mm. Font – Times New Roman, 12 pt. Line spacing – 1. Justified text. Automatic hyphenation. Indentation (the red line) 1 cm. No pagination. Figures and tables in the text.

The references are indicated as round brackets in APA 6 style.

Article size: 12 to 30 pages.

Language: English.

Structure of the article

  1. The title of the article. Laconic, accurate, meaningful. In the title, abbreviations should be avoided, except well-known names, such as country names, medications, etc.
  2. Information about the authors. Name, institution, city, country, e-mail, ORCID of each co-author, and post address should be given.
  3. Information about contact person: name, institution name, city, country, e-mail.
  4. Abstract (font size 11 pt, bold, justified, no paragraph indentation, single line spacing, paragraph spacing: before – 6 pt, after – 6 pt). Text of the abstract (font size 11 pt, italic, justified, no paragraph indentation). Brief and concise sentences, a laconic statement of the main research findings and the results obtained. Abstract with keywords should be 1800 characters with spaces.
  5. Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, … keyword 6 (4-6 keywords should be provided).

INTRODUCTION (essence and status of the scientific challenge in general terms, its theoretical and (or) practical significance; connection with important scientific or practical tasks; relevance of research and its importance for the further development of the relevant field of law (theory or practice); analysis of recent research and publications directly relevant to the subject matter; highlighting previously unresolved aspects of the general problems which the paper covers; purpose of the study) – at least 5 links.

MATERIALS AND METHODS (general scientific and special methods used during the research, regulatory framework, results of generalization of judicial investigative practice, indicators of empirical observations).

RESULTS (basic principles and results of scientific research, personal ideas, thoughts, scientific facts obtained, detected patterns, relationships, tendencies, methods of obtaining and analyzing factual material, personal contribution of the author in achievement and implementation of conclusions).

DISCUSSIONS (which researchers have dealt with a similar problem and what aspects they considered, and indicate that the aspect the author is considering was not considered in previous studies).

CONCLUSIONS (the most important results of the study as a synthesis of the scientific information accumulated in the body of text, i.e. a consistent, clear, logical statement of the most important results of the research obtained by the author personally and following the stated purpose, containing scientific novelty and having theoretical and (or) practical significance).

RECOMMENDATIONS (for whom the materials of the article are valuable).


The APA 6 style style is recommended.


Dissertation: Gabidullin, A. S. (2004) Teaching students the ability to explain the phenomena in the teaching of Science subjects in VI – VII classes. PhD Thesis. Kasan: Kazan State Pedagogical Institute, 207 p.

Article: Gilmanshina, S. I., Sagitova, R. N., Kosmodemyanskaya, S. S., Khalikova, F. D., Shchaveleva, N. G., Valitova, G.F. (2015) Professional Thinking Formation Features of Prospective Natural Science Teachers Relying on the Competence-Based Approach.Review of European Studies, 7 (3), 341-349.

Electronic journal: Mellers, B. A. (2000). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 910-924. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0033-2909.126.6.910

Book: Babanskii, Y. K. (1988) Pedagogy. Moscow: Education, 479 p.

Beck, C. A. J., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Family mediation: Facts, myths, and future prospects. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. 240 p.

Conference materials: McKay, G. (1999). Self-determination in Aboriginal education. In L. B. Muller (Ed.), Changing the climate: Proceedings of the 1998 Conference for Graduate Students in the Social Sciences and Humanities (pp. 1-11). Saskatoon, Canada: University of Saskatchewan.

Internet resource: Geography of Canada. (2009, September 29). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved September 30, 2009, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Canada

Report: Forastieri, V., 1999. The ILO Programme for Occupational Safety and Health in Agriculture.  International Labour Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.

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